A MAN who plagued politicians with obscene e-mails and letters has been placed on the Sex Offenders Register.

Nikolaus Wirsten, 56, was remanded in custody for reports after admitting seven counts of breach of the peace.

His victims included members of Scottish Borders Council, Selkirk Community Council and a police officer, Selkirk Sheriff Court was told.

Wirsten, a former community council member and a serial letter writer to the local press, was already on bail for sending grossly offensive e-mails to two councillors when he started writing insulting letters to his five other victims.

He pleaded guilty to sending various e-mails over the course of a month in June last year to councillor David Paterson who represents Hawick on Scottish Borders Council.

Wirsten falsely accused councillor Paterson's daughter of being a prostitute and made other derogatory sexual comments about him and his family.

Between August and September last year he targeted Scottish Borders councillor Kenneth Gunn, the SNP's Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale Constituency Association chairman, who is from Selkirk.

In various emails he made explicit comments regarding sex with animals and further derogatory comments about his wife Wilma.

Wirsten also referred to sexual activity between councillor Gunn and his wife.

He appeared in court on October 27, 2008, in connection with those two matters and was released on bail.

Between December and March Wirsten, who lives with his elderly parents in Leslie Place, Selkirk, began his letter writing campaign.

He pleaded guilty to five further charges of sending letters which were grossly offensive and insulting.

The victims were Selkirk Community Council chairman Robert Kerr, secretary David Bethune and member Jenna Agate.

The other two people he admitted sending offensive letters to were Hawick provost Zandra Elliot, a Scottish Borders councillor, and also Selkirk-based police constable Lesley Shiell.

Procurator fiscal Morag McLintock said it was in the "public interest" that Wirsten should be placed on the Sex Offenders Register.

She described the contents of the e-mails as "utter fabrication designed to wind people up." Wirsten's lawyer Mark Harrower admitted to the court that other people had received e-mails or letters but the contents were no worse than the offences he had pleaded guilty to.

He added the motivation was to upset people or wind them up but not any sexual gratification.

Mr Harrower said his client was single, had no children and no criminal record.

He explained:"He targeted primary local councillors and people who work for the press by sending them letters which were abusive.

"Regarding the remarks about councillor Paterson's daughter, the motivation was to upset Mr Paterson and not any sexual gratification on his part.

"He is not a danger to the public in my submission." But after retiring for more than half an hour to consider the case, Sheriff Daniel Kelly ruled that he was satisfied there was a "significant sexual element to the charges", and ordered Wirsten's name be placed on the Sex Offenders Register.

Sheriff Kelly deferred sentence until September 22 for a social enquiry report, psychological report and a community service assessment to be prepared.

He said the length of time Wirsten's name will be on the register would be determined on that date.

Sheriff Kelly pointed out Wirsten was already on bail when five further offences took place and ordered that he be remanded in custody.