MORE than quarter of a million pounds was raised on Friday evening for Doddie Weir’s Motor Neurone disease charity.

A star-studded ball and auction at Springwood Park, organised by David Baird, Stewart Bennet and Douglas Stephen, has been hailed as a huge success.

Among the many stars from the world of rugby who supported the fundraiser were Scotland head coach Gregor Townsend and Grand Slam winners Jim Aitken, John Jeffrey and Gary Armstrong.

A total of 600 supporters gathered for the Tartan Giraffe Ball - a nod to Weir’s tartan suits and the famous description of the Scotland lock by the late commentator Bill McLaren.

Doddie revealed last year that he had been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease and has since embarked on a major fundraising drive to encourage research into the, as yet, incurable condition.

Friday's event was compered by TV presenters Jill Douglas and Dougie Vipond, and featured music from Deacon Blue’s Ricky Ross and the John Beattie ‘Ruckstars’ band, with special messages of support for Doddie from golfer Rory McIlroy and Sir Jackie Stewart relayed on the giant screens.

Having attracted over 170 donated auction lots the organisers launched a Silent Auction online two weeks ago and it topped £95,000 even before the Ball started.

And it went on to realise over £146,000 by its end with a live charity auction adding another £82,000 to the pot.

Combined with ticket sales and other donations, around £250,000 is expected to be donated to the My Name'5 Doddie Foundation, which is raising funds to aid research into causes of Motor Neurone Disease and investigate potential cures.

Doddie told us: “It has been an incredible event and I take my hat off to Stewart, David and Dougie for the work they have put in to make this a reality, and the nearly 600 people who bought tickets and came along, and bid amazing amounts in the auction.

"There was a truly humbling level of support for me and my family after my MND diagnosis last year, but we have now shifted the focus from me to the campaign to fund research that actually does something about MND, and hopefully will one day find a cure.

"It really shocked me to discover how little was known about MND, and how little has been done in the past 20 or 30 years to find answers.

"I go to the doctor, they do a test and say ‘yes, you’ve still got MND, see you in three months’, and I get the same drug they were giving out 22 years ago. That’s it.

“I have asked if I should be exercising more, drinking soya milk, because someone said that helps the symptoms, or doing this or that, and the answer is always the same – ‘we don’t know because there hasn’t been research or clinical trials’.

"To me, that’s not right in this day and age of technological and medical advances, but the brutal truth is that it comes down to money.

“So, that’s what this is all about – all of this money raised by these fine people is going towards a serious push to find some answers that can help people all over Scotland and the world, now and in the future, and hopefully, as I say, find a cure at some point that means we are no longer given a death sentence with the diagnosis of MND.”

Among the most popular auction items, a private jet and holiday in Majorca with Doddie Weir, donated by businessman Danny Sawrij, went for £17,000 in the live auction; a unique whisky cask signed by top world sportsmen sold for £15,000; a private jet to a European city of your choice, donated by the Weir Charitable Trust, attracted over £11,000; and a series of shooting trips combined to raise nearly £30,000.

Items for the auction were also donated by Dario Franchitti, Freddie Flintoff, Robbie Savage and Pat Nevin, and Conor Murray's special Munster jersey, dedicated to the memory of the late Munster and Ireland player and coach Anthony Foley, sold for over £5,000.

The farming community also showed their support with donated machinery and other items raising more than £20,000 for the charity.

David Baird, of the Tartan Giraffe Team, added: “It is exactly as Doddie says – the support he has attracted has provided a great platform for shouting about MND but we know a number of people and families that have been through this and with Doddie’s support we felt we had an opportunity to do something to help.

“We have been blown away by the level of support we have received, from people donating completely free of charge over 170 auction lots to the people who bought into the event, bid for lots and the many people around the world who have not been able to come but bid in the silent auction.

"They have all played their part and we just hope now that this can help Doddie and MND charities take a significant step forward in the battle against this horrible disease.”

The battle goes on with the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation continuing to raise money from donations through its website

The Tartan Giraffe Ball was sponsored by M&J Ballantyne Ltd, The Craigie Hotel, Manners for Meat, H&H Group, Agrii, Greenvale AP, J S Baird & Sons and Crop Services (Scotland) Ltd.