MOURNING the loss of a family member led to a major disturbance at a Kelso hotel.

Thomas Dickson, who warned staff he was a cage fighter, pleaded guilty to shouting and swearing, threatening hotel staff and police officers.

The 37-year-old also challenged them to fight at the Ednam House Hotel on November 21.

His partner Molly Baxter, 24, admitted assaulting a police officer by biting him on the hand.

Her 26-year-old brother Jack Baxter, pleaded guilty to a charge of damaging a picture frame in the hotel which sparked the fracas.

Jedburgh Sheriff Court was told that the trio entered the hotel along with the Baxter's father from Derby after being out on a pub crawl to mourn the recent loss of an uncle.

At around 11pm they were warned to quieten down as they were getting boisterous.

Soon after a bar worker heard the sound of breaking glass and found Jack Baxter sitting beside one of the pictures in the corridor hyper-ventilating with a cut to his right hand.

Depute fiscal Jane Rennie said at this point the police were called as they feared the situation was going to escalate.

Dickson became agitated, was shouting and swearing and was told to calm down.

He then began threatening bar staff telling them he was a cage fighter and challenging them to fight.

When police arrived Jack Baxter asked to sit in the police van to get away from his family members.

Molly Baxter and Dickson were clearly intoxicated and were abusive to police officers.

Ms Rennie said: "Molly Baxter was then said to have gone beserk and officers took her to the ground.

"She bit a police constable on the right while on the ground. The skin was not broken.

"While she was on the ground, Dickson was shouting abuse at the police and said, 'If you touch her I am going to kill you'.

"He took his jacket off and behaved aggressively towards police officers."

Other police officers had to be called into control the situation.

Jack Baxter was taken to Borders General Hospital where his behaviour was attributed to an over-consumption of alcohol.

Molly Baxter and Dickson were too unruly to be charged at the time.

Molly Baxter's lawyer said her client was a first offender and took full responsibility for her actions.

She added that Baxter's brother suffered from panic attacks and had taken umbrage at him being taken away by the police officers.

Molly Baxter suffers from anxiety and depression.

But the lawyer added that since the incident she had not come to the attention of the police.

Dickson's lawyer said his client only had previous convictions for dishonesty and not assault.

He admitted Dickson's behaviour was "absolutely reprehensible" and had consumed too much alcohol when they had visited a number of public houses following the bereavement.

The lawyer said Dickson had been pepper-sprayed by the police officers which was an unpleasant experience.

He added that Dickson's claim he was a cage fighter was "absurd" and was not being serious.

Molly Baxter of Brisbane Place, Kelso, was fined £225 for biting the police officer which is to be paid at £20 per fortnight.

Dickson was fined £225 and ordered to pay £100 compensation to the bar staff member he threatened - to be paid at £20 per fortnight.

Jack Baxter of Gourlays Wynd, Duns, had sentence deferred until February 17 for a personal appearance.