A BORDERS community council is seeking a legal brain to swell its ranks as it envisages that future local issues will require professional advice.

There are currently 18 members of Peebles Community Council who each serve for three years before seeking re-election.

This year, five community councillors must stand again if they wish to continue to serve on the community council, and two members have already indicated that they will be standing down.

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Current Chairman Les Turnbull said: “The PCC forms a vital public service to ensure that the views of the town are shared with SBC and other public authorities, such as the police and health service. We disseminate information from these public bodies and take action as appropriate and practicable.

“For example, the PCC arranges the Peebles in Bloom annual event, the annual litter pick and currently is actively engaged with other bodies to try and tackle the ongoing problems associated with anti-social behaviour. We are also working with others to try and improve the children’s cemetery in the town.”

Many locals turn to the community council to represent their views to the various public bodies, which are often asked to come and speak to their meetings that are always open to the public.

The group also has an important role, as a statutory body, in responding to planning applications and other consultations that arise from time to time.

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“Over the next few months, we envisage that there may be issues arising where legal points might need to be addressed,” added Mr Turnbull.

“Therefore, if there are any lawyers in the town who would like to make a contribution to help make this a better place to live and work, then they are encouraged to submit their nomination for election.”

As well as finding new members, the community council is anxious to recruit a new minutes secretary whose role is to record the minutes of meetings – a small honorarium is paid for this post.

Mr Turnbull added: “The work of the community council is essential, and our members are an intrinsic part of the community and therefore have their ear to the ground, we know what is going on, and we do our best to represent the community view to public bodies.

“We have a broad range of skill sets within the PCC at the moment, which we would like to expand, and it would be beneficial to have members with a legal background; I believe that we could be even more effective if we had such expertise within the body of the PCC.

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“Every member of the PCC is a volunteer who has the well being of the community at the front of their minds; they make a valuable contribution to the well being of our town.”

For anyone interested in joining Peebles Community Council, now is the time to complete the nomination form, which can be obtained from the secretary, Anne Snoddy (email – secretary@ccrbpeebles.co.uk). Applications must be submitted by September 21.

The only qualification is that they reside in the town (which includes the Eshiels district) and they are currently on the Peebles electoral register.