THE SENIOR police officer in charge of the Scottish Borders division has reassured residents in the area that sufficient officers will be available to respond to emergencies during the COP26 climate conference.

Around 10,000 officers will be deployed each day during the event which takes place from October 31 to 12 November at the Scottish Event Campus in Glasgow and will be one of the largest policing operations undertaken in Britain.

Police officers will be drafted from all divisions across the country including the Scottish Borders and concerns have been raised about the numbers that will be on duty in the region to respond to incidents particularly with the potential for disorder on Bonfire night.

But Chief Inspector Vinnie Fisher insists that his officers will be available to respond to anyone who requires an immediate response.

He said: “A considerable part of the national planning for COP26 has been to ensure that local communities, such as ours in the Borders, continue to receive the same high standard of policing service that they have come to expect.

“Policing, so often the service of first and last resort, will never step away from those who are in crisis.

“There are pressures which exist across many other services, agencies and sectors, and when the health service, local authorities and other key partners come under significant strain, demand is diverted to policing.

"However, Police Scotland prioritises emergency 999 calls and these are answered within less than 10 seconds, on average.

“Once we have taken a call or a contact, whether 999, 101 or through email, we then carry out a detailed assessment based on the person’s particular needs and vulnerabilities and the potential for threat, harm and risk.

"Where that person needs an immediate response, we want to dispatch informed help as quickly as possible.

“While an event the size of COP26 places considerable demands on policing, we already have contingencies in place and are taking steps to boost those over the coming weeks.

“While there is potential for further disruption as the country prepares for COP26, I can reassure the people of the Scottish Borders that if they need an emergency response from us they will get it.”