MEMBERS of Extinction Rebellion Scottish Borders Group responded to President Volodymyr Zelensky's call to take to the streets and demonstrate support for the Ukrainian people.

In a late-night television address from Kyiv earlier this week, a defiant Zelenskiy made an emotional appeal to people throughout the world saying: “The world must stop the war. Come from your offices, your homes, your schools and universities, come in the name of peace, come with Ukrainian symbols to support Ukraine, to support freedom, to support life. Say that people matter. Freedom matters. Peace matters. Ukraine matters.”

The Borders group, mainly clad in the blue and yellow colours of Ukraine stood together in Market Square Galashiels this afternoon, (Friday March 25 2022) displaying placards with slogans such as ‘War Against Climate Change – Not Against Ukraine’ and ‘Stand Together Today For A Better World Tomorrow’, ‘The Power of Love NOT the love of power’ and ‘Stop Fuelling War £700 million daily on Russian Coal, Oil and Gas.’

They also handed out leaflets to passers-by.

Among the protestors was Robert Coltart who wore a blue and yellow hat and held a copy of the Border Telegraph's Ukraine poster, Little Jock who also had a blue and yellow hat and Wee Jeannie who held a ‘Scotland Stands with Ukraine’ placard.

But organisers also pointed out that supporting the people of Ukraine was not the only reason for event.

Speaking to the Border Telegraph on behalf of the group Kate Prasher explained: “We are here for three reasons. We are standing in response to President Zelensky’s appeal to us to come out to our squares and our streets to show solidarity with Ukraine. That's why we are wearing blue and yellow because its the colours of the Ukranian flag. Ordinary folk stand shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine. I can't imagine what it's like to be a refugee. We said never again at the end of the second world war but we are allowing it to happen again.

“We are also here to support the Global Youth Climate Strike which happens yearly and goes back to when Greta Thunberg was sitting by herself as a school child in Stockholm. Fridays for Future is a silent protest but today will not be silent.

“And the third reason and possibly the most important is to show how the two things come together.

“If we are going to sanction Russia and get off using their oil gas and coal now is the time to really work together in this country to activate how far we have come already with replacing fossil fuels.

“It is not the time to go to the middle east for more gas and oil. We need to be working on what we have already done and make sure that Scotland and the UK is fossil fuel free as soon as possible. And we can be.”