SCOTTISH Borders Council’s (SBC) leader wants signs put up at the entrance to Galashiels to celebrate it being named Scotland’s ‘happiest town’.

Thousands of people took part in a recent Rightmove survey, scoring their areas on factors such as community spirit, access to green spaces, and cultural activities.

Galashiels was crowned Scotland’s happiest place to live, and came second across the entire United Kingdom, beaten only by St Ives in Cornwall.

At this month’s meeting of the town’s community council, SBC leader Euan Jardine said he was pushing for signs to commemorate the achievement.

“I think that would be fantastic to get some signs put up,” said Mr Jardine, a Conservative Galashiels councillor.

The town scored well on the friendliness and politeness of its locals in this year’s edition of the ‘Happy at Home’ study.

Galashiels also had the most affordable house prices out of all the areas that made the top ten in the survey, with the average asking price at £153,546.

Two other Scottish areas also ranked among this year’s top 10 happiest places to live – Perth and Stirling.

Galashiels was praised for its countryside, while the recently-established Heartland Market was also lauded.