SGN will begin work to upgrade their gas network on the A7, between Selkirk and Galashiels starting next week.

The project will begin on Monday July 10 and take approximately 16 weeks to complete.

This work is being catried out as a permanent solution to the recent emergency work carried out in the A7 last year, reducing the risk of future disruption to the local community and motorists.

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This is a busy route so SGN have planned their work in close consultation with BEAR Scotland and Transport Scotland.

By carrying out the work in the summer months, SGN can work extended hours and weekends where possible.

The work will be completed over three phases.

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For the duration of the work, temporary traffic lights will be in place along with a speed restriction to ensure everyone’s safety around the work area.

During the weekends that they are not working, the temporary traffic lights will be removed to reduce inconvenience for motorists.

SGN are writing to other local stakeholders to make them aware of our project and explain the details of their work.

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A spokesperson said: “If you have any specific enquiries about this project, please call us on 0800 912 1700 and our customer experience team will be happy to help.

“We'll be working as quickly as possible to complete our work and will be making every effort to minimise inconvenience to the local community and commuters.

“Thank you for your support and if there’s anything else you need, please let us know.”