TWEEDBANK Pharmacy has registered their interest with NHS Borders in submitting an application to open a new pharmacy located at 3 Tweedbank Drive, Tweedbank, TD1 3RP.

Proposed services to be provided: Dispensing of NHS Prescriptions: NHS Pharmacy First Scotland: Pharmaceutical Public Health Services: Medication Care and Review: Gluten Free Foods: Stoma Service: Unscheduled Care and Substance Misuse Services

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As part of the pre-application process NHS Borders and Tweedbank Pharmacy are undertaking a Joint Consultation exercise to seek the views of people local to the proposed premises, or those who might use the proposed new pharmacy.

Border Telegraph: NHS Borders

If you live close to the proposed premises or might use the proposed new pharmacy NHS Borders would like to hear your views as part of the consultation process.

This consultation will conclude on Friday July 21 2023.

You can take part by completing the online Tweedbank Pharmacy Consultation Questionnaire here.

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Alternatively you can download the questionnaire from the NHS Borders facebook page and return via email to or in the post to Primary Care Contracts, P&CS, Borders General Hospital, Huntlyburn Terrace, Melrose TD6 9BS.

All views submitted will be incorporated into the Consultation Analysis Report (CAR) which will be taken into account by NHS Borders Pharmacy Practices Committee (PCC) which decides the outcome of an application.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 5.30pm, Saturday: 9.00am – 5.00pm and Sunday: Closed