ENERGISE Galashiels Trust has announced the appointment of Ian Dalgleish as the new Chair of its Board of Trustees.

 Ian will take over the role from today August 1st, replacing fellow Galalean Mike Gray, who has held the position since 2014.

During his tenure as Chair, Mike's involvement in many programmes and initiatives has benefitted the town, including the successful lobbying for Galashiels to be the location for the Great Tapestry of Scotland Visitor Centre and the Build a Better Gala, a four-year South of Scotland and Scottish Borders Council funded project. 

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Reflecting on his time as Chair, Mike said: "None of this would have been possible without the dedication of the many individuals who volunteer their time and expertise to improving Galashiels. In handing over to Ian, my thanks go to all those who have contributed to, and who have so strongly supported, Energise Galashiels Trust."

As the Trust prepares to embrace its new stewardship, Ian is poised to build on the organisation's previous success.

Reacting to his appointment, Ian said: "I am delighted and honoured to have the opportunity to continue the great work done by Mike and the team over the past few years and look forward to maintaining the momentum by leading Energise Galashiels Trust in the future."

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 Ian aims to build on the already completed improvements and regeneration efforts undertaken by Energise Galashiels Trust, with work underway for the development of a Place Plan and Town Team, and the opportunity of establishing a Business Improvement District for Galashiels.

 Energise Galashiels Trust thanks Mike for his invaluable contributions to the charity since 2014.