A BORDERS man who asked an 11-year-old girl for a topless picture and told her she was “hot” has been made subject to the notification requirements of the Sexual Offences Act.

Paul Devins told the youngster he was 28 years old when in fact he was 48, after messaging her on photo and video sharing website Instagram.

He also sent her a picture of a penis and was only caught when the girl’s mother came across the messages.

Jedburgh Sheriff Court was told the messages were “sexual in nature throughout”.

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Devins, now 50, admitted repeatedly asking to see the girl in a state of undress at his home in Havelock Place and elsewhere between May 2021 and August 2021.

He also pleaded guilty to causing a child under 13 years of age to look at a sexual image; possession of indecent images of children; and taking or permitting to be taken indecent photographs or pseudo-photographs of children.

The court heard that Devins – who was told the girl’s age – also engaged in “numerous live chat calls” with the youngster.

Sheriff Peter Paterson deferred sentence until September 25 for background reports.