SCOTTISH Borders Council has revealed its plans for tackling difficult weather conditions this winter.

The Winter Service Plan, which aims to keep communities safe through adverse weather, was approved this week by the council's Executive Committee.

The 2023/2024 winter plan follows from a successful delivery of services last year, and includes a revised gritting regime.

For this coming winter the council currently has:

  • More than 18,000 tonnes of grit salt
  • More than 1,200 grit bins
  • 41 gritters
  • 19 footpath gritters
  • Additional contractors to support operations as needed

Councillor John Greenwell, executive member for roads development and maintenance, said: “Every year we assess the impact of winter weather, our response to it and feedback from communities, and that helps to ensure that our annual Winter Service Plan is robust and that we are best placed to support our residents during the most challenging winter weather.

“It is important to remember that while we do our best to ensure pedestrians and vehicles are able to move about safely in snow and ice, we simply cannot be everywhere at once.

"As such, the role that our Resilient Community groups and individuals can play through self-help is significant and is hugely appreciated by the Council."

Last winter the council made 159 planned preventative call outs to treat roads and footpaths, and saw above long-term average salt bin usage, with more salt used compared with winter of 2021/22.

For 2022/23 the council also saw winter treatments carried through to April of this year, and significant contributions made by Resilient Community groups around the Borders.

Mr Greenwell added: “Last year saw relatively minimal snowfall and fewer ice incidents compared to previous years, but I’d ask Borderers not to be complacent and ensure they too are prepared as much as possible for whatever winter throws at us.

“We will do all we can to keep residents updated when adverse weather is forecast, communicate how we as a Council are responding, and support communities and individuals to play their part and help keep everyone safe.”

Residents are urged to sign up to the free emergency messaging system, SB Alert, to receive warnings for difficult weather – alerts can be sent by phone, text or email.

To join SB Alert, visit:

And for more information on the council's winter response plans, visit: