A PEEBLES-BASED charity which helps children across the Borders is set to expand its support after receiving a major cash boost.

Tweed Togs, which has provided donated and recycled clothes for youngsters since 2017, secured a £10,000 grant from the Scottish Government.

The money will allow the charity to buy brand new outdoor clothing to help children get out in the Scottish weather.

Susan Walker, chair of Tweed Togs, said: “We are delighted that we are now able to provide children and families with brand new outdoor clothing, so that these children can fully participate in activities that involve being outside and reduce the number of barriers to inclusion for these families.

“The benefits to physical and mental health of outdoor activity are well documented, additionally the provision of this clothing will increase positive community participation.”

The cash is from the second round of the government’s mental health and wellbeing fund.

The new wet weather clothing will help children to access outdoor, educational and wellbeing activities.

Without appropriate clothing, and the means to purchase it, youngsters can miss out on residential school trips, outdoor nursery play, forest schools and simply being able to get outside in the unpredictable Scottish weather.

In 2017 a group of like-minded people got together to provide a service in the Borders similar to that in neighbouring authorities – to provide donated and recycled clothes for children so they could take part in any opportunity to help fulfil their potential. Tweed Togs has emerged to become an established charity, providing a reliable, caring service for children up to 12 years of age.

You can find out more about the charity and how you can support it through its Facebook page and website.