A HAWICK school has been deemed a class act after a visit by education inspectors.

The latest Education Scotland report on Stirches Primary School and Nursery Class published on Tuesday, October 3, recognises a number of strengths.

During their visit in June this year, inspectors talked to parents/carers and young people and worked closely with the headteacher and her staff.

Inspectors found the relatively new headteacher to have established a strong and positive culture in the school and nursery. Children behave very well and there is a calm and purposeful environment for learning.

They noted that teachers and senior leaders have worked well together to ensure children experience high-quality learning, teaching and assessment across the school, and have improved their approaches to using data to identify gaps in children’s learning.

In the nursery, practitioners engage children well through a range of learning experiences indoors and outdoors. They have a strong focus on helping all children to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Areas for improvement were identified and discussed with the headteacher and a representative from Scottish Borders Council.

These included senior leaders supporting teachers to reflect on their practice to ensure that it is improving children’s progress in learning

Teachers and practitioners also need to involve children in planning what and how they learn, and to continue to raise children’s levels of attainment in literacy and numeracy at all stages.

Headteacher Lesley Miglis said: “I am delighted with this inspection report, and I am very proud of our achievements. The report identifies the hard work and dedication our staff show in their approach to the teaching and learning and well-being of our pupils. I would personally like to thank our pupils, parents/carers, staff, partners and local community for all their commitment to ensuring Stirches continues to achieve the best possible outcomes for our learners.”

Stirches Parent Council chair Laura Millar added: “I fully believe that the school is going in the right direction with the correct leadership, to improve all that is needed in the future.”

Inspectors are confident that the school has the capacity to continue to improve and will make no more visits in connection with this inspection.