A SOCIAL media addict live-streamed herself giving her partner from Berwickshire a tirade of foul-mouthed abuse including threatening to kill her.

Thirty-year-old Natalie Bain filmed the online rant in which she called the woman abusive names and saying she would "knock her lights out".

During the 90-second footage, Bain turns the camera towards her partner and continues to berate saying "I will f*****g kill you, you cow".

It resulted in Bain, who regularly streams videos of herself having mundane goings-on, being charged with threatening behaviour and appearing at Jedburgh Sheriff Court.

The livestream was copied by a viewer and posted on a Facebook page.

That resulted in one person being so concerned about the threats that the police were contacted.

Bain, of Randolph Street, Cowdenbeath, pleaded guilty to a charge of threatening or abusive behaviour, uttering threats to kill, shouting and swearing and utter a threat of violence.

The offence happened on July 19 at the home of her partner in the Borders.

A not guilty plea to assaulting the woman by striking her on the head and body was accepted by the Crown.

Prosecutor Drew Long said: "The circumstances surrounding this are somewhat unusual in that it was reported to the police by a third party.

"Ms Bain was live-streaming on social media and was shouting and swearing off screen to a person who turned out to be her partner.

"A copy of the video lasting around a minute-and-a-half was made during which she was shouting and swearing saying, 'I will f*****g kill you, I swear to God you have not seen the other side of me. I will f*****g kill you, you cow, I will knock your lights out'."

Mr Long added that a "concerned third party" reported the matter to the police and provided police with a copy of the video.

He said that the partner had not been supportive of the prosecution and that the couple were still together.

The partner also did not want a non-harassment order to be imposed.

Defence lawyer Liam Burke said: "She was having an argument with her partner who had been winding her up about her former partner and this was all captured on a livestream. She is regretful she behaved the way in which she did."

The court was told that Bain had a previous conviction for a domestic offence four years ago and involved a different partner and she was admonished at the time.

Sheriff Peter Paterson described the offence as "low level" and deferred sentence for one year.

He told Bain: "If you are of good behaviour during that time then a small fine will be imposed."

The case will recall on October 7, 2024.