A PROJECT has started to replace the wooden deck of Woodend Bridge on the multi-use path between Cardrona and Innerleithen.

It is a decade since the Tweed Valley Railway Path opened. And the suspension bridge was constructed before the route opened.

The work is expected to take two weeks and cost in the region of £100,000. It will be completed by workers from Berwick-upon-Tweed firm Tweed Formwork.

A Scottish Borders Council spokesperson said: “This project is being undertaken as part of the development of the River Tweed Trail, which is part of the wider Destination Tweed project. This particular scheme at Woodend Bridge has been funded by the Scottish Government through Sustrans Scotland’s National Cycle Network Development Fund.”

Further up the path towards Peebles, works are ongoing to instal lighting in Eshiels tunnel and that work due to be completed this week has been put on hold.

A council spokesperson added: “Due to a technical issue, our planned improvements at Eshiels tunnel on the Tweed Valley Railway Path have been postponed. The works will be rescheduled.”