ONE of Scotland’s original walking football clubs is set to celebrate its 10th anniversary in Peebles. 

Tweedvale Walking Football Club was set up in 2014 and over the last decade has played games across Scotland, and even competed in Europe in tournaments including the likes of Hearts, Derby County and Sheffield Wednesday.

The club currently enters teams in the over 60s and over 65s men’s Walking Football Scotland Leagues as well as various cup competitions, while a number of members enjoy just playing socially.

To mark its anniversary, a reunion event will take place on Friday, May 17, in the Green Tree Hotel in Peebles, from 5pm onwards.

One of the event organisers, Findlay Ferguson, said: “We have several special guests coming along to celebrate and it is hoped that as many current club members and former members as possible will join us for a great night.”

For catering purposes, if you wish to come along to the event please contact Findlay at