THE commitment of a Galashiels schoolgirl to supporting mental health in the Borders has inspired her community to dig deep for a charity in the town.

Esme Kitson, a student at Burgh Primary School, has been fundraising for Andy’s Man Club, a men’s mental health charity which holds a special place in her and her mother Chloe’s heart.

The youngster’s journey to support the cause began with a simple yet powerful desire to make a difference.

Witnessing the impact of mental health struggles firsthand within her family, she felt compelled to take action through a range of fundraising efforts including an in-school pyjama day which attracted strong support from pupils and families linked to the school.

Through her efforts Esme managed to raise more than £1,000 and emphasise the importance of destigmatising conversations around the issue.

Burgh Primary deputy head Emma Armstrong said: “Esme’s unwavering commitment to this cause has not only raised funds but also increased awareness about the importance of mental health support, especially among men.

“Esme’s actions serve as a shining example of the positive impact that one person can have on their community.

“By channelling her empathy and energy into meaningful action, she has contributed to a cause that fosters hope.

“In a time where mental health awareness is more critical than ever, Esme’s actions resonate deeply and remind us all of the power of empathy and solidarity in creating a brighter, more supportive future for everyone.

“As we celebrate Esme’s achievements, let us also pledge to continue supporting initiatives that promote mental health awareness and provide vital support to those in need.”

Andy’s Man Club is a UK-wide initiative aimed at preventing male suicide by providing free peer-to-peer support groups and online resources.

Its mission revolves around breaking the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and fostering open conversations to support men in need.

With a club meeting every Monday at Netherdale from 7pm for males aged 18 and above, the organisation offers vital support to those struggling with their mental wellbeing.

The chair of Burgh Primary Parent Council, Dave Scott, said: “Esme has been such an inspiration to everyone involved with Burgh and her campaigning certainly made me think about the issue so I signed up for Live Borders’ ‘Headstrong’ training which helps you understand the issue in much greater detail.

“There are so many groups and people out there who want to help and I hope any man in our community who is going through a difficult time can take her advice and seek out the help and support they both need and deserve.”