A MAN was found to be almost four times the legal alcohol limit after his vehicle was stopped on the Melrose by-pass.

Twenty-year-old Brockie Phillips pleaded guilty to driving with a breath/alcohol count of 87 microgrammes – the legal limit being 22 – during the early hours of April 21.

India McLean, prosecuting, told Selkirk Sheriff Court the offence happened at around 12.40am when the attention of officers in a police van was attracted to the car that Phillips was driving on the opposite carriageway.

The court heard the vehicle was swerving and the driver was also slow to react to the blue lights from the police vehicle.

The fiscal continued: “He was stopped and spoken to by the officers. His speech was slurred and pupils were dilated and told police he had been drinking.”

Defence lawyer Ed Hulme said his client was going to a 21st birthday party but was running late and decided to drive.

His intention was to stay at a friend’s house but at the end of the night made the “wrong decision” to drive back to Galashiels.

Phillips, of High Street, Galashiels, was banned for 12 months and fined £500 with a £20 victim surcharge.