A 34-YEAR-OLD man who admitted a dangerous driving offence in Hawick has been banned from the road for 12 months at Selkirk Sheriff Court.

Samuel Bashford, now living in Accrington, pleaded guilty to repeatedly failing to leave a safe stopping distance from the vehicle in front on September 24, driving to excessive speed for the conditions and colliding with the vehicle in front in High Street, Hawick.

He also admitted driving with no insurance.

In a separate incident the following month, he pleaded guilty to uttering threats of violence at the Elm House Hotel in Hawick after being told he was being relieved of his duties at the premises.

Bashford was disqualified from driving for 12 months and ordered to re-sit the extended test if he wants to resume driving.

He was also ordered to carry out 100 hours unpaid work to be carried out over a 12-month period.