A CHILD-MINDER in Galashiels puts the best interests of youngsters at the heart of the service she provides, an inspector has concluded.

Gala Kids child-minding service is provided by Sonia Benhamed and is registered to provide care to a maximum of six children up to the age of 12.

Located in a residential area of Galashiels, a representative of the Care Inspectorate paid an unannounced visit on May 21.

Key findings of a report published this week were that children are “loved, nurtured and supported by the kind and caring child-minder” with children’s “best interests at the heart of the service”.

Effective communication between the child-minder and parents was noted and outdoor play experiences were also praised.

The report called for regular updating of children’s personal plans every six months “in line with legislation”.

The service was rated ‘good’ in four categories – the quality of care, play and learning, its setting, its leadership and staff team.