PEOPLE with learning difficulties are gaining independence and “control of their lives” with the support of a Galashiels-based service, a new report concludes.

A representative of the Care Inspectorate paid an unannounced visit to Borders Services, based at Ladhope Vale, on May 7.

It is registered to provide a service to adults with learning disabilities, including autistic spectrum disorders and acquired brain injury, in their own homes.

Staff support is available to people over a 24-hour period and is provided by Autism Initiatives.

The key messages were that people knew their staff well and were supported by consistent, small teams, that medication processes were managed well and medicines were administered safely.

“Effective teamwork” was also noted and staff levels were regularly reviewed.

The service was rated ‘very good’ for supporting people’s well-being and for its staff team.

The report states: “Staff were skilled in their roles, demonstrating a good understanding of people’s autism and how it shaped their day-to-day experiences.

“People had meaningful contact with friends and family, they were encouraged to remain active and had interesting things to do.

“People benefited from highly individualised support which helped them gain independence and increased control of their lives.”