PLANS for a new £56.6m Hawick High School community campus have moved a step closer to reality after an initial bid was submitted.

The proposal is for the rationalisation of the existing campus and erection of a new energy-efficient high school building on the current site in Buccleuch Road.

It would also include new or enhanced hard and soft landscaping, internal paths, service access, car parking, and drop off areas.

It is proposed that all works will be carried out within the existing school grounds as a tandem build arrangement.

If all goes to plan building work would begin on the site in 2026.

This week a pre application notice (PAN) was submitted internally by Scottish Borders Council to its own planning section.

The council has begun a consultation process for the project, which will continue prior to the submission of any formal planning application.

A report submitted with the PAN says: “We will engage directly with a number of stakeholders in the coming weeks, and our approach will be to conduct these consultations through a series of workshop sessions and two in-person events hosted at the existing High School, at the beginning and halfway through the 12 week pre-application process to provide a presentation of the ideas developed thus far.

“We then plan to use the weeks following the workshops and public event to collect all of the thoughts and feedback and use this information to finalise our design proposals ahead of the formal planning application process.”

The planning authority will respond within 21 days of receiving the notice.

It will advise whether the proposed PAC is satisfactory or if additional notification and consultation above the statutory minimum is required. The minimum consultation activity includes consultation with the relevant community council(s), the holding of a public event, and its advertisement.