BRAW Lad Jamie Bell has described his time as Braw Lad as “the best week of my life”.

On Braw Lads Day (Saturday, June 28) Jamie received the Burgh Standard at 8am and led the cavalcade through the traditional timetable of events.

He said: “It’s completely overwhelming.

“I’ve heard stories from past Braw Lads and Braw Lasses about Wednesday night coming back from Torwoodlee, coming along Bank Street, and it was everything I had pretty much dreamed of and more.

“There were so many people out watching and then coming up Scott’s Street on Saturday was just absolutely incredible, I can’t really put it into words.”

Since Declaration Night in April, Jamie and Braw Lass Rebecca Grieve have been ably supported by Cory Paterson (Bearer of the Sod) and Emma Spence (Bearer of the Red Roses) as well as John Turnbull (Bearer of the Stone) and Abbie Hood (Bearer of the White Roses).

This year’s principals have enjoyed getting to know each other and sharing special moments throughout Braw Lads’ Week.

Jamie added: “Ever since Declaration Night we’ve obviously got to know each other a lot more.

“There are some people in the six that I knew better than others. Rebecca, I hardly knew her before Declaration Night but we’ve become really, really good friends.

“Sharing the moments with her and the other four has just been absolutely incredible.

“Very, very emotional but really, really good.”

Jamie, Rebecca and the rest of the Braw Lads’ team have had a busy week, and choosing one highlight of the week is an impossible task.

But, for Jamie, three very important events from the past week stand out in his mind.

He said: “On Monday we were doing our rounds, going around the care homes and the Borders General Hospital as well and we met a past Braw Lad; I’m quite good friends with his grandchildren.

“We went into his room and had a wee chat with him and seeing how happy it made him was pretty special.

“And the schools as well on Thursday and Friday, seeing how happy the kids were when we walked into the hall.

“They were all screaming, screaming the place down, it was pretty special.

“And obviously the whole of Saturday was a very, very emotional day.

“I was completely overwhelmed with the support family and friends had shown.

“The amount of support that people give you, whether it’s sending you a message of good luck or giving you a cheer when you go past on a horse, it does mean a lot to all of us.

“It makes our day, it makes our week, and it makes everything a lot better with the support of people.”