A 43-YEAR-OLD man who caused a disturbance in Jedburgh and ended up assaulting a man to his severe injury and permanent disfigurement has narrowly avoided a jail sentence at the town’s sheriff court.

Paul Madden also pleaded guilty to charges of theft by shoplifting, threatening or abusive behaviour and assault following the incident earlier this year.

Prosecutor India McLean explained how Madden had entered a shop and attempted to pay for drink but his card was declined.

He started moving vapes from a display case and the shop assistant put them back and asked him to leave.

The shop assistant called her manager to attend due to Madden’s conduct and she said the police would be called. 

He started shouting and swearing at her and calling her a grass for calling the police.

Madden then grabbed several vapes and left the store and tried to engage with people in the town square.

One woman told him to leave them alone and Madden punched her in the face and poured liquid over her before punching her again and kicking her on the body.

A man who witnessed this told Madden to leave the woman alone but Madden ran at him and repeatedly punched him on the head causing a deep cut which required stitches. Medical staff have told him it will leave a scar.

Defence lawyer Mat Patrick said he had warned his client a custodial sentence was possible but pointed out he had since been subjected to a home curfew which he had observed.

Sheriff Donald Ferguson told Madden his immediate thought was custody, saying: “What you did that day was absolutely appalling, disgraceful.”

But he took into account that Madden had since been on a curfew and opted for the recommended sentence of a high tariff structured deferred sentence.

Sentence was deferred on Madden, who has since moved to Galashiels, until September 9.