A GALASHIELS woman has been banned from keeping pets for four years after admitting causing her lurcher dog unnecessary suffering by failing to provide appropriate care. 

Twenty-three-year-old Jasmine Stevens was visited by an SSPCA officer on June 21 last year after a call to their helpline. 

The officer noticed the dog was emaciated with bones visible and there appeared to be no access to food or water.

There was a smell of urine in Stevens’ property, and faeces on the floor, the court heard. The dog also had sores on its hips from being kept in a cage with no bedding. 

The officer took the dog to a vet where it immediately finished food and water offered to it.

Prosecutor India McLean told Selkirk Sheriff Court the animal required a number of surgeries and treatment, and was signed over to their care. 

Defence lawyer Mat Patrick blamed the break-up of an abusive relationship for his client’s behaviour. He said the offence happened at a time when she was struggling to look after herself let alone an animal.

Sheriff Ian Anderson said the public were “naturally horrified” when animals are treated in this way, but recognised the woman’s poor mental health at the time. 

He banned Stevens from keeping animals for four years, and ordered her to carry out 60 hours of unpaid work as part of a community payback order.