A UKRAINIAN refugee has claimed gold medals across the board at a Borders swimming gala – just months after taking up the sport.

Nikita Kholiavko was regarded as a typical youngster in his home city of Mykolaiv.

He studied diligently at school and in his spare time he burned off his energy at the karate and tennis clubs, or a family trip to the local swimming baths.

But the youngster and his parents were forced to pack what they could and flee the city following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

After a fraught journey they reached a haven in the Borders.

Nikita settled into his new surroundings and Earlston High School.

But much of his life was left behind in the ruins of war-torn Mykolaiv.

He sought a new outlet for his youthful energy and joined the Duns Amateur Swimming Club where some 40 members meet regularly throughout the year.

It seems he had an affinity for his new hobby.

Under the overall guidance of head coach Susanne Simpson and coach Gordon Webster, he flourished.

This culminated in the annual Duns 500 gala this summer where he lived up to his coaches’ expectations with gold medals across the board – freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly and individual medley.

It was a remarkable achievement for someone who only took up the sport a year ago.

A spokesperson said: "Hopefully someday he’ll return to his karate and tennis in his homeland. In the meantime, thanks to his talent and support from his parents and coaches he has made his mark in his adopted country. Well done, Nikita!"