A 32-YEAR-OLD man appeared from custody at Selkirk Sheriff Court on Monday and admitted charging at a group of youngsters while brandishing a glass bottle.

Graham McBeth also pleaded guilty to culpable and reckless conduct by throwing the bottle onto the roadway at Ladhope Vale during Friday night’s incident.

He also admitted two other charges of threatening or abusive behaviour and making homophobic remarks in a police van between Selkirk and Hawick, and also breaching a bail condition by being outwith his home in Charles Wilson Avenue, Bilston, at 9pm. McBeth pleaded not guilty to a charge of police assault and culpable and reckless conduct and a trial date was set for October 29.

Sentence was deferred on the other offences until the intermediate hearing on October 14.

The Crown opposed McBeth’s bail due to his lengthy record.

Defence lawyer Dominic Burke said his client had been drinking and fallen asleep on a public service bus and did not get off at Bilston and instead woke up at the Transport Interchange in Galashiels.

He added that it was there where a group of teenagers started harassing him and making fun of him and he had reacted by brandishing the glass bottle he had been drinking from at them.

Mr Burke also added that McBeth also had a bed booked at an Edinburgh hospital to get help for his drug problem.

Sheriff Peter Paterson told McBeth he would have been remanded in custody if it was not for the hospital booking. He imposed special conditions that he was not allowed to enter the Borders unless for court business or a pre-arranged appointment with his lawyer and was placed on a 7pm to 7am home curfew.