A MAN who assaulted his partner by punching her on the face and cutting her lip has been fined £500 at Jedburgh Sheriff Court.

Fifty-seven-year-old Troy Hood had been drinking with the woman at his Reston home from 5.30pm and by midnight an argument had developed.

The court heard the woman made moves to leave due to his behaviour but he became aggressive towards her and punched her in the face, cutting her lip, and pushed her into a garden fence.

The woman contacted her daughter and told her she had been “beaten up”.

The daughter attended at the property and found her mother at the side of the road crying with blood all over her face and the police were contacted.

Defence lawyer Dominic Burke said his client was “very remorseful”.

He added: “He rarely drinks to excess and has not had a drink since then.”

Sheriff Peter Paterson took into account Hood was a first offender but pointed out it was a serious assault.

In addition to the £500 fine, he was ordered to pay the woman £200 in compensation with  a £20 victim surcharge added.