A GALASHIELS woman is chopping her 33-inch-long hair in aid of two charities.

Cheryl Scott has not cut her hair since 1990.

But she has decided now to donate it to the Little Princess Trust.

The major hair decision comes after Cheryl was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2023 for which she is soon to undergo radiotherapy as she is not able to have surgery.

She had previously worked as a nurse at the Borders General Hospital and saw first hand the important work that Blood Bikes Scotland volunteers do.

Some helpers for the charity also volunteer as roadbike racing marshals alongside her husband Neil.

With this in mind, Cheryl knew she wanted to help raise funds for the people who help deliver blood around Scotland.

She said: “I’ve seen what the blood bikes do.

“I know they are all volunteers, they don’t get paid and especially just now money is tight so I was having a think and it just came to and I thought this was a good one.”

In 1990 Cheryl got a perm and ultimately cut her hair off, and has only had trims since. She said: “I will lose my hair and I thought it was such a waste.

“So I made the decision to have a haircut. I thought to take the plunge now so it can help someone else.

“It’s doing something with it, I don’t like waste.”

Cheryl is hoping to donate her long locks before it is damaged by her medical treatment.

And although Cheryl doesn’t expect to have long with her new hair once she starts treatment, her son, who is a barber, has offered to buzz the rest of it off at a later date.

Cheryl was due to have her hair cut at Sorriso on Bank Street yesterday (Tuesday).

At the time of publication Cheryl had raised £1,493 for Blood Bikes Scotland.

Campbell Chatham, quartermaster at Blood Bikes Scotland, said: “Blood Bikes Scotland is extremely grateful to Cheryl Scott for her fundraising for the charity, especially when it is such a personal commitment that she has carried out.

“Blood Bikes Scotland relies completely on fundraising to maintain the bikes and servicing.

“All monies raised is utilised within the charity at a cost of £6,000 per month. All the members including the chairman are volunteers and take no money out.

“This is why the efforts of Cheryl Scott are so important and we are extremely grateful.”

To donate to Cheryl’s fundraiser, visit: www.justgiving.com/page/hannah-scott-1722279419078