THE TRANSPORT minister visited Galashiels yesterday (Tuesday) to put a stitch in a new Borders Railway-inspired tapestry.

The panel, which has been more than two years in the making, will go on display at the town’s Interchange.

A total of 2,079 people, including Her Majesty the Queen, have put in a stitch.

And this week, government minister Fiona Hyslop was the latest to contribute during a visit to the Great Tapestry of Scotland Visitor Centre.

The beautiful artwork was designed by Andrew Crummy and the stitching was led by textile artist Susie Finlayson.

The panel tells the story of the Borders Railway, denoting points of interest along the route, celebrating special events and special places.

Judith Cleghorn, of the Borders Railway Community Partnership, said: “The panel has been stitched in schools and community centres.

“We have spent several sessions at Waverley station where visitors from all over the world have contributed.

“A record of every stitcher has been kept.

“The panel celebrates everything that is good about our railway and the Borders and has been funded mainly by Cross Country trains.”

It is intended that the panel will be installed in the Galashiels Transport Interchange and will be unveiled to the public on September 26.