COUNCILLORS are being asked to endorse three-year funding of £220,000 for the appointment of a senior project manager to push forward the bid to extend the Borders Railway.

The successful candidate would lead the delivery of the business case and feasibility work associated with the extension of the line, which it is proposed would end at Carlisle.

Both the UK and Scottish Governments have previously agreed this appointment could be funded equally between the Department for Transport (DfT) and the Scottish Government.

When members of Scottish Borders Council meet on Thursday, August 29, they will be asked to endorse funding of the post.

A report to council also seeks approval to set up the first meeting of a council Cross Party Working Group to oversee this work once the appointment is under way, and to arrange a meeting with the Borders Railway Reference Group to keep stakeholders informed of progress.

A report to full council, approved by Jenni Craig, SBC’s director for Resilient Communities, says go-ahead of the appointment was “essential” for the successful delivery of “this complex and high-profile project”.

She adds: “A role description and request for an initial drawdown of £220k to fund the senior project manager role was submitted to UK and Scottish Governments in August 2023, supported by input from officials from both Transport Scotland and Department for Transport.

“Agreement has been reached to fund a senior project manager from the £10m funding commitment within the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal to oversee the development of the business case for the extension of the Borders Railway and coordinate the team of internal and external professionals who will deliver this work.

“Approval to proceed was received by Scottish Government in June 2024. Approval is still awaited from UK Government Ministers, and time-scales currently remain unclear.

“It is planned this role will cover a three-year period at a cost of £220,000, funded 50/50 by the Scottish and UK Governments. The procurement of the senior project manager will progress using the £110,000 available to draw down from Scottish Government until the full allocation is confirmed by UK Government.”