PUN-LOVING Borderers have been busy coming up with comical names for Scottish Borders Council’s new road sweeping machine.

When the Borders Union Show was staged at Kelso’s Borders Events Centre in July, SBC staff set up a stand.

And members of the public calling by were set a creative test – to come up with a name for the local authority’s new cleansing vehicle.

Staff were swept away by the number of entries put forward.

Now they have narrowed the names down to a short-list of six favourites and are putting it to a public vote to crown a winner.

Entries included Bruce ‘Springclean’, Taylor ‘Sweep’, ‘Sweep’ Caroline and Manic Street ‘Sweep’.

Simply follow the link to this Microsoft form and cast your vote – https://ow.ly/nltI50T4N6h

Voting closes on Friday, August 30, after which the winning name will be announced.

Once the winning name has been decided, it will be permanently displayed on the side of the new vehicle.