AN IDYLLIC new £220,000 play park in a tree-laden setting has been officially opened in Hawick.

A ceremony has been staged to mark the completion of the Sleepy Valley facility.

It boasts a unique setting within the grassy tree covered valley next to Boonraw Burn.

The local community, including children from Burnfoot Community School, community groups, town councillors and Scottish Borders Council (SBC) representatives, gathered together to mark the occasion.

The Sleepy Valley facility has been designed with specific toddler, junior and teen sections and a separate sensory area. The equipment included features a large triple bay swing set, carousel, multi-deck playhouse and triple tower unit.

The park has been funded as part of SBC’s capital programme for play areas and community outdoor spaces, supported by Scottish Government funding.

The prioritised capital investment programme was agreed for the period 2022-2029 with play facility upgrades being planned in consultation with communities across a range of sites.

The programme will see an investment of over £4 million to enhance these facilities for current and future generations, providing significant play opportunities for all.

Councillor John Greenwell, SBC’s executive member for roads development and maintenance, said: “The new play park at Sleepy Valley is a tremendous asset to the local area and will provide current and future generations of young people a modern facility they can be proud of.

“It will offer more valuable opportunities for young people in the Hawick area to play outdoors and socialise and I would like to sincerely thank all those involved in this project both from the council and the local community who have helped bring this to fruition.”