A COMMUNITY is in shock following the closure of a long-established Borders golf club affectionately known as the ‘Augusta of the Borders’.

Hirsel Golf Club at Kelso Road in Coldstream has confirmed it is closing after filing for bankruptcy.

The course covers part of the Hirsel Estate, famed for being the ancestral home of Lord David Douglas-Home, son of former Prime Minister, Sir Alec Douglas-Home.

The club posted the news on its Facebook page on Wednesday (September 11) stating:  “Following our AGM this evening, the Hirsel Golf Club is closed. No bookings can now be taken.

“Anyone with future golf bookings will hear directly from the club.”

Mid-Berwickshire Conservative councillor John Greenwell has expressed his sadness at the news.

He said: “I can imagine that this has come as quite a shock to the community.

“It’s obviously something that the general public are just learning about today and I’m not sure what the future holds.

“Certainly as a facility bringing people into the town,  it will be a big loss. The announcement made it quite clear that it was the end of the golf club as we know it.

“It’s part of the Hersel Estate so really it’s outwith the reach of the council in terms of any help to keep it going.

“It’s a big blow, it’s been there since 1946 I think but unfortunately the demographics of the membership is such that the membership has declined as people have got older and can’t play golf anymore.

“The bad weather during this year can’t have helped, the course has been closed because of flooding when normally it would be up and running. It’s a combination of things.

“The big loser is going to be the local community.”

The club was forced into bankruptcy after increasing costs and declining membership and a significant rise in running costs.

The nearby Minto Golf Club, in Hawick, has offered members of Hirsel a place to continue their membership.

“Following the sad news that Hirsel Golf Club has closed, we would like to offer the members of the club the opportunity to complete their season at Minto,” a Facebook post read.

“Any members interested, please drop us a message.”