KINGSLAND Primary pupils are to take on a huge challenge in a bid to improve their playground.

The youngsters, from early learning to P7, are hoping to better The Proclaimers and walk 1,500 miles during the sponsored event.

Along with their teachers and family helpers, the children will be walking a combined three-million steps, around the distance from Peebles to the north coast of Africa, on Tuesday (September 17).

Lee Dick, from school’s Parent Council, said: “This year the Parent Council has a target to raise £10,000 for some much-needed playground improvements, especially in the senior playground. We hope to provide the children with an outdoor classroom, some play equipment and lots of others resources to keep them active and playing outside together in the fresh air, like children should.

“The walk starts at 9am so all are finished for lunch and entails all our pupils – ELC-P7, 340 children in total – staff, parent and grandparent volunteers.

“The ELC walk is about a mile in the school grounds, P1 to P3 is three miles and P4 to P7 is five miles.

“Between all our little legs we will be walking approximately 1,500 miles which is some feat. 

“We would love to see local residents out supporting us on our way.

“We will be taking three different routes round the town and surrounding Peebles countryside, depending on children’s ages and abilities, and we will be carrying donation buckets too. 

“This is a huge organisational feat and a massive physical challenge for many of the young people involved.”

If you can support the school in any way then donate by visiting