THE chips are up for a potato supplier in the Borders after expansion plans were rubber-stamped.

An application submitted to Scottish Borders Council (SBC) to extend a packing and storage building in Duns belonging to the company Greenvale has been approved.

Greenvale is an agricultural grower and supplier of potatoes located at Craigswalls, approximately 1.5 miles west of the settlement of Chirnside.

The application site is identified as being an area of prime quality agricultural land.

Planning permission was sought to erect an extension to the north elevation of an existing storage building.

In his report approving the application, Cameron Kirk, SBC assistant planning officer, says: “There are residential properties within the wider area of the application site.

“Considering the nature of the proposed development, its position within an established industrial site and the location of residential properties within the surrounding area, it is not considered that the proposed development would have a significant adverse impact upon those properties.”