BORDERS residents are invited to visit a van which will tour the area next week to learn how to spot scams. 

After a successful trip to the region earlier in the year,  the 'scam van' will visit four towns across the Borders.

The initiative is run by Scottish Borders Council’s trading standards team and will tour the area between October 1-4.

Tweeddale East councillor Robin Tatler, executive member for public safety and resilience, said: “It is fantastic that following the success of the scam van tour in May we are able to bring it back to the Borders.

“This is an excellent opportunity to raise awareness and I would encourage everyone to visit the van, especially residents that missed the tour earlier in the year, as it offers valuable insights and tools to help protect yourself and the wider community.”

Residents who visit the ‘scam van’ will have the opportunity to receive guidance on how to identify and avoid current scams.

Attendees will also have access to resources and support within the community.

The scam van will visit the following locations between the hours of 10am to 1pm:

  • Tuesday, October 1 - Tavern Pub, Eyemouth
  • Wednesday, October 2 - Mayfield Garden Centre, Kelso
  • Thursday, October 3 - Tesco, Galashiels
  • Friday, October 4 - Heart of Hawick, Hawick