DISPOSING of unwanted medications down the loo can have severe consequences for public health, a councillor has warned.

The warning from John PatonDay, who represents Leaderdale and Melrose for the SNP, was issued at a meeting of Scottish Borders Council on Thursday, September 26.

He said: “I think that most of us are aware of the threats to our planet and to ourselves but there is one that has slipped under the carpet a little bit.

“Most of us have got unused medications, we have got them in drawers and cupboards and everywhere else and occasionally we will have a clear-out and where they normally end up is down the toilet or down the drains.

“Most of us think it is a quick and simple solution but it isn’t because actions can have really severe outcomes.

“When these medications enter our sewerage system they can contaminate our rivers and lochs and eventually get into our drinking water.

“These chemicals can harm aquatic life, disrupt eco systems and will pose a risk to our health.”

At the full council meeting a motion from Mr PatonDay was passed calling on “Scottish Borders Council agrees to support and work with the NHS in its campaign for the safe disposal of unwanted or expired medicines”.