A GALASHIELS woman has been recognised as a “local hero” at the Scottish Parliament’s 25th anniversary celebrations.

Judith Cleghorn, the chair of the town’s community council, was nominated by Borders MSP Christine Grahame.

The 81-year-old was invited to attend as the Scottish Parliament marked 25 years since it was reconvened with a celebratory event on Saturday. 

“I was very honoured to be invited to this wonderful event and I thank Christine for choosing me,” said Judith. “However, everything is a team effort and we have some amazing volunteers in Galashiels who all deserve to be honoured too. I am proud to be part of such a great community.”

The event included special performances from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Sistema Scotland, Còisir Alba and Calum McIlroy, showcasing Scottish music and culture.

Ms Grahame, MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, said: “The Scottish Parliament’s 25th anniversary is an opportunity to reflect on the last 25 years of devolved government, as well as a chance to recognise some of the outstanding contributions made by individuals in their communities across Scotland. 

“My local hero - Judith Cleghorn – is a name which everyone in Galashiels will recognise. Judith is full of drive for her community – if there is something needing done, she’s your woman. 

“Judith worked as a volunteer at the Focus Centre in Gala for over 30 years and was involved in all sorts of activities there from supporting the groups that use the community centre to personally making 100+ puddings for afternoon tea fundraising events. She is chair of Galashiels Community Council, she set up and chairs Langlee Residents Association, and she is a member of the Borders Railway Community Rail Partnership.

“At 81 years old she shows no sign of slowing down! I hope she enjoyed being a part of the celebrations on Saturday and receiving some well-deserved recognition for all that she does.”