A UKRAINIAN national who admitted driving while disqualified has been banned from the road for four years at Selkirk Sheriff Court.

Twenty-seven-year-old Serhil Oleksyn, who gave an address care of Peebles Hotel Hydro, pleaded guilty to the offence which happened on August 19.

He also admitted driving while over the alcohol limit and possession of cocaine.

Sheriff Peter Anderson said: “As a visitor you are welcome in Scotland but you cannot abuse this hospitality and safe refuge this country gives you, but this is what you are doing with your driving.”

The court heard Oleksyn had previously been jailed at Dunfermline Sheriff Court for driving while disqualified.

In addition to the disqualification, he was given a Community Payback Order for 12 months with supervision and also fined a total of £500 with a £20 victim surcharge.