A MOTORIST who admitted dangerous driving while over the alcohol limit on the A68 in the Borders has been banned from the roads for two years at Jedburgh Sheriff Court.

Fifty-eight-year-old David Waugh, from Eyemouth, recorded a “significant reading”  when breathalysed by police in August.

Witnesses expressed concern at the manner of his driving as he drove southbound on the A68 at Oxton and on one occasion ended up on a grass verge.

Police caught up with Waugh sleeping in the driver’s seat after he had pulled into a layby south of Carfraemill.

Defence lawyer Ed Hulme admitted it was a “significant reading” .

His client had been working at the time for an electricity company as a meter reader when he was heading home.

Waugh was also ordered to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work and must re-sit his driving test.